Hi! I’m Grace.
I’m the mom of the sweetest little boy in the world and the wife of a wonderful U.S. Army soldier. I was born on December 29th, 2003 in Mankato, MN. I absolutely LOVE art, if you ask my mom she’ll say that I’ve been drawing since I could hold a crayon. I also love home decor, writing, and basically anything that allows me to create beauty. Growing up, I was the girl who made friends with everybody. And I mean EVERYBODY. I said hi to basically everyone I laid eyes on and every kid I met on the playground was my new best friend. I’m a talker, so conversation came easy to me. When I was 11 years old I met my husband. He caught feelings right away and never gave up on being with me, though it took me a little longer to come around. We started dating when I was 16 and got married when I was 18. Together we live a beautiful, messy life in Colorado Springs, CO.
I decided to start blogging after reading a blog post titled something like “How I Make $10k/Month Blogging”. Since I love writing I figured “hey, why not do something I love and see if I can make a little money off of it?”. So I clicked on the post, read through it, and immediately dived into doing research on blogging and created a plan. I love writing, pregnancy and everything related, and helping people, so here I am doing all of it.
If you ever want to reach out, here’s how you can contact me!
Email: [email protected]
Instagram DMs: @gracehiniker