“Successful mothers are not the ones who have never struggled. They are the ones who never gave up despite the struggles” -Sharon Jaynes

Hi, I’m Grace.

Are you someone who really wants kids, but feels scared that you won’t know how to be a good parent? Or maybe you feel confident in your parenting skills but feel overwhelmed by everything there is to think about when bringing a new life into this world. No matter how you feel on the confidence scale, I’m here to help. I’m still learning this whole mom thing too and even though I learned a lot about kids through my years spent working in childcare, I still have plenty to learn. My son was born in the beginning of September, 2024 and at the time that I’m writing this he’s only 4 months old. I’m just one of the lucky ones who got some “practice time” before becoming a mom. My hope is that my writing will help you learn everything you need to know to give you that confidence boost you’ve been looking for and that you’ll find my tips helpful in your journey through motherhood. So come learn with me as I share my experiences thus far, and all the experiences I’ve yet to have.

Grace Hiniker

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